Lumi - 6.810 Final Project
For the final team project in 6.810, our team worked with PhD mentor Yunyi Zhu to develop a programmable light fiber textile. This was accomplished by weaving fiber optic strands through tulle and attachment to a 3D printed clip that held the strands to an LED source on an LED strip.
I worked primarily on the hardware assembly, designing the power circuit, debugging, and repairing prototypes as needed. We intended to make a light-up mask first as proof of concept on a small piece of fabric. The ultimate goal we accomplished was a full light-up skirt controlled wirelessly from a laptop communicating with the onboard ESP32, individually changing each LED color or setting to preset patterns.
If we had more time, a great upgrade to the interface would have been a screen or sensor attachments to the ESP32 for sophisticated onboard control of the light pattern.
I created a rotoscope and gif of our mask prototype for the midterm presentation

Unfortunately I broke both of my arms falling over a pothole on campus on my way to lab (ouch) and missed the final presentation. I cannot claim this work as my own but of my wonderful teammates and some of my contribution. For posterity, the final product is still shown here.